Ice Skating

As part of our Education Outside the Classroom curriculum, we are very excited to offer our children three ice skating lessons at the Queenstown Ice Arena this year.  Each of these sessions will include a half hour lesson and a 15 minute free skate.

Pōhatu 1, 2 & 3 and Wai 4 will be visiting the rink on Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th May (Week 3, Term 2)  

Pōhatu 2 & 3 classes will skate together 9.30am - 10.15am with the bus leaving school at approximately 9am and leaving the ice rink at approximately 10.40am (children will need to be in their classroom at 8.30 for gear check and roll before getting on the bus).

Pōhatu 1 and Wai 4 classes will skate together 10.45am - 11.30am with the bus leaving school at approximately 10.15am and leaving the ice rink at approximately 11.55am.

Wai 3 and Taumata 1, 3 & 4 will be visiting the rink on Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th, Friday 5th of May (Week 2, Term 2)  

Wai 3 & Taumata 4 classes will skate together 9.30am - 10.15am with the bus leaving school at approximately 9am and leaving the ice rink at approximately 10.40am (children in these classes will need to be in their classroom at 8.30am for gear check and roll before getting on the bus).

Taumata 1 & 3 classes will skate together 10.45am - 11.30am with the bus leaving school at approximately 10.15am and leaving the ice rink at approximately 11.55am.


Your child will need to dress warmly with the following items

* waterproof ski jacket

* waterproof pants

* gloves

* warm socks

* a helmet is essential -  ski or skate helmet is preferred over a bike helmet. The ice rink does have a limited

   number of helmets for those children that do not have their own.  

* A hearty morning tea and lunch, along with their water bottle.



These events are unable to operate without the generous support of parent helpers. The Year 1-3 Ice Skating programme will require 7 - 8 parent helpers per group for both days.

Parents will be asked to meet at the Ice Skating rink, 15 minutes prior to the students going onto the ice.

Please indicate the days you are able to support and help.


We are asking for a suggested donation for this Education Outside the Classroom Opportunity of $55 per child to support costs of equipment hire, lessons and bus transportation.

Donations for this experience are eligible for a 33.3% income tax credit from the Inland Revenue (IRD). Receipts for donations will be provided to you on request to enable you to claim back from the IRD.

Donations can be made as follows:

* HERO App

   Please contact the Office if you want to be sent information regarding HERO

* Internet banking (our bank account no: 12 3405 0009955 02) Please ensure that you include your child's name and indicate Level One Ice Skating in the descriptor.

* Payment made by EFT-POS at the Remarkables Primary School office.

If any families would like to contribute towards another child's ice skating donation please contact the office to do so.

Please complete the google form that was emailed to families by Friday 21st April. Please complete an individual form for each child you have participating in the ice skating programme.