New Enrolments
We are accepting enrolments from children from New Entrants to Year 8 who live within our School Zone.
Please fill out our enrolment enquiry form if you are unsure whether you are living in our school zone.
If you are certain you are within our school zone, please complete our HERO enrolment form.
We also require the following information from you:
A copy of an eligibility document for your child. This can be either:
NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen)
Australian passport (if Australian citizen) or
NZ residency permit or NZ student visa/permit and Parental work permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen).
We will also require:
Proof of your residential address (e.g., utilities bill, rental/sales agreement).
Immunisation certificate
A copy of any Court Order Documents (if applicable)
If you have any questions, please contact our Enrolments Officer Alina or call us on 03 441 4044.
Please note that we cannot accept enrolments for international students if they do not have a student visa.
At RPS, we have cohort entry. There will be two entry points in each term:
One on the first day of term (Week 1)
One at a mid-point during a term (Week 6)
Our 2024 entry dates will be as follows:
Term 1 week 1 entry - 1st Feb
Term 1 week 6 entry -4th March
Term 2 week 1 entry - 29th April
Term 2 week 6 entry - 4th June
Term 3 week 1 entry - 22nd July
Term 3 week 6 entry - 26th August
Term 4 week 1 entry - 14th October
Term 4 week 6 entry - 18th November
If Will is born on September 9th, he will start school on the 9th October. If Jemina is born on May 7th, she will begin on the 29th May.
Transitional visits:
In the weeks leading up to your child’s start date, we invite your child to three transitional visits at our school, consisting of 2 half day visits and 1 full day.
For example, if your child was starting on the 17th July at the beginning of Term 3, their transitional visits would likely be in the final weeks of Term 2 (June).
You are welcome to accompany your child on their visits. We do encourage that only one parent accompanies the child for each visit to reduce the numbers in the classroom, and maybe swap for the next visit. It is great if you are able to stay for 15 minutes and then leave your child to settle in.
Please ensure your child brings a lunchbox with morning tea, a drink bottle and sunhat. They will also need lunch for their full day visit. If they have a school uniform, your child is more than welcome to wear this but it is completely optional. If your child needs to try on sizes for the uniform, you can visit our school office beforehand and try on the samples in the office.
More information will be emailed to parents and caregivers at a time closer to their child’s start date.
Further information on Cohort Entry:
Children are able to start school in cohorts after they have turned five.
Cohort entry is about helping children to settle better in school. There is evidence that starting school alongside other children helps them build relationships and supports a smoother entry to school life.
Schools that have implemented cohort entry believe it offers their children the best start to their school life. It can also mean less disruption for new entrant teachers who can prepare for groups of children arriving on a specific date rather than on an individual and ad hoc basis through the year.
Cohort entry does not replace the legal requirement that a child start school at age six. Parents, caregivers and whānau can still choose to not enrol their student before then.
It is important to note that families are still eligible for Ministry of Education (MOE) ECE subsidies, including 20 hours ECE, until their child turns six or is enrolled in school. The Ministry of Social Development will be making changes to the childcare assistance regulations so that children over the age of five remain eligible for the childcare subsidy, and children under the age of give are eligible for the OSCAR subsidy.
We will still offer flexibility around transitions for children with additional learning support needs whilst still allowing them to start at RPS in accordance with our new cohort entry policy. If the school and child’s parents believe a staggered transition is best for the student, a transition plan can be agreed.