Wakatipu Zone Swimming Sports Results
Swimming dates:
Tuesday 24th Oct - Friday 27th Oct (4 days only due to Labour Day)
Week 3 - Year 2/3 classes (Pōhatu 1,2 & 3, Wai,3 & 4) will have their lessons (one of the Y2/3 classes will attend the following week)
Monday 30th Oct - Friday 3rd Nov
Week 4 - Year 1 classes (Taumata 1,2,3 & one Y2/3 class) will have their lessons
School swimming:
As a school, we value swimming as a life skill and essential part of the Health and PE curriculum, especially considering how close to large bodies of water we live alongside. All classes have the opportunity to attend a block of lessons in each school year.
During the students swim programme please ensure that your child has the following equipment for each of their swim sessions:
* All their swimming gear is well named, including:
underwear, uniform, socks, shoes, togs, goggles, towels and swim bags
* A hearty lunch to sustain them through the day
* A named water bottle
* Sensible walking shoes, sunhat, school safety vest and raincoat
* A swim bag that is easy for the students to comfortably carry.
We will email parents a compulsory form nearer the time of their child's school swimming lessons.
Swimming Competitions:
In Term 2, we will have a Remarkables School Swim Competition at the Events Centre. The best performing students from our internal competition will then represent the school at the Wakatipu All Schools Swimming on the 20th June
Link to local club: