As a school, we rely heavily on donations from our parent and caregiver community. We appreciate times are tough and have kept our suggested donation amount at $290 for several years.
The donation covers all of the essentials to keep the school ticking day by day, and includes essentials such as library books, hand sanitiser, playground equipment & electronic devices. Donations also support the school to run specialist programmes and to assist in supplementing resources not provided by the Ministry of Education, i.e. learning assistants within classes, Kapa Haka, ESOL Teacher, coaches, artists and NZ authors to name a few.
It also goes towards covering education outside the classroom events (excluding camps) which happen during the school day, special sporting opportunities and transport. It may surprise you to know that none of these items are covered by Ministry of Education funding!
The donation does not cover costs for things such as Uniforms, Student Stationery and other optional activities: Netball, Touch Rugby, Rippa, and Other Academic events etc. Any entry fees for optional activities will need to be paid BEFORE your child’s entry will be put forward. Our overarching goal is that all students are included. If your family has genuine reasons for being unable to afford any of the extra curricular activities, please contact us.
The school is able to provide payment plans to assist our families. There are a number of options available to you:
Weekly, Monthly or once per term - whatever is easier and best suits your particular circumstances.
Please speak to the RPS Admin team who will be happy to assist. Phone Sandra or Louise on 03-441 4044 or email
Please also know that every little bit helps, so if a partial donation is what you can manage, we're very grateful for that. And, if you feel you may be able to contribute over and above the suggested donation amount, we would also greatly appreciate your additional contribution. Even an extra $20 has a big impact.
Payment can be made in full or in part. Note: All donations can be claimed back on your tax via claim form IR526. Receipts will be issued on request.
Options for payment include:
Internet banking ASB bank account no: 12 3405 0009955 02
EFT-POS at the school office (no credit card)
Please specify your child’s name and the item/s you are paying for.