School lunches
We ask that families provide food for morning tea break & lunch for their child and that they are able to open any wrappings or containers independently. Students are able to bring their water bottles into class and fill their bottles at water fountains around the school.
The school coordinates the following lunch options:
Tuesday - Sushi (Please order by 8:30pm Monday evening)
Wednesday - Pizza (Please order by 9am Wednesday)
Thursday - Subway (Please order by 9am Thursday)
To order lunch, please go to Lunchonline.
We have ice blocks for sale on Thursdays for $2. This is a student led fundraiser and money goes towards activities such as Kapa Haka and camps.
Some students and staff at RPS have a serious allergy to nuts and eggs (raw and cooked). This means that if they get the smallest amount of nuts or egg in their mouth, they will have a severe allergic reaction resulting in a serious medical emergency. To assist us in supporting these students, we ask that you consider not packing items that contain nuts, nut oil or eggs in your child’s lunchbox – for example peanut butter, Nutella or egg sandwiches. This also applies to any food brought to school for a class or learning community event.
While we acknowledge that we cannot have a “nut and egg free” school as many packaged food items today have traces of nuts or eggs, we would like to make RPS as “nut and egg friendly” as possible to those with life-threatening allergies.