Lunchtime clubs

Our teachers run a variety of lunchtime clubs. These may change on a yearly/termly basis. In 2022, students had the opportunity to join Code Club, Chess Club, Board Games Club, Science Club and the RPS News team. 


Enviroclub takes place every Tuesday lunchtime in Pōhatu 3 and the gardens (seasonally!). Our main kaupapa for this school year is composting our food waste so we can have healthier soil, alongside growing awareness of how we can be kaitiaki (guardians) at kura (school). We are hoping to have guest speakers visit on a termly basis and so far we have looked at an array of topics, including worms and landfill. Ākonga (students) of all ages are welcome and we can't wait to hear the ideas our tamariki have for our green spaces at kura!