Te Ao Māori
School Haka
Kia rite
Kia rite
Kia mau HI
Ringa pakia
(4 x beats)
Ko matou te kura (beat) o KAWARAU
Te roto - WAKATIPU!
Te awa - KA-WA-RAU!
Te waka - TAKITIMU!
I a ha ha
Ko matou te kura o KAWARAU!
Ko Tahu Pōtiki - te tipuna
Ko Haki te kura - te tipuna
He kai kei o mātou ringa
Maa te mahitahi
Ka tutuki noa
Te iwi motuhake e
Eke panuku, eke tangaroa
Get ready
Get ready
Take your stance
Slap your hands
(4 x beats)
We are Remarkables Primary School!
Our lake - Wakatipu!
Our river - Kawarau!
Our canoe - Takitumu!
Our tribe - The people of Queenstown!
I a ha ha
We are Remarkables Primary School!
Haki te kura OUR ANCESTOR
There is food at the end of our hands
By working together
Reaching out
The Remarkable people
We will succeed
Karakia Timatanga
Mo tēnei rā
Whāia te mātauraka kia mārama
Kia whai take kā mahi katoa
Tū māia, tū kaha
Aroha atu, aroha mai
Tātou i a tātou katoa.
For this day
Seek knowledge for understanding
Have purpose in all that you do
Stand tall, be strong
Let us show respect
For each other.